So, that said, people have been asking for pregnancy pictures, so here's a few. This was taken about a week ago, so say 36 1/2 weeks pregnant. Cami wanted me to pick her up while I was trying to take this picture.
I feel like I'm very small still, but what do you think? Here's from my first pregnancy at about 28 weeks along.
Truth is that this little guy actually has been measuring on the very small side. For those of you who don't know, they measure from your pubic bone to the fundus (the top) of your uterus once you hit about 30 weeks. You're suppose to be as many centimeters as you are weeks along, give or take two centimeters. Well, at my 36 week appointment, I was only measuring at 33 centimeters, so my doctor had me go in to get an ultrasound at the hospital.
They didn't give us any ultrasound pictures, which I'm a little sad about since our first set weren't very good. But they told us that we are definitely still having a boy. :) No question about that.... They did some measurements on him to make sure he was growing alright and said if it was a problem with the placenta - that it wasn't providing him nutrition like it should - then they would have to take him early. So that's what they were checking. They did several measurements: his head circumference, his abdomen circumference, his femur length, the amount of amniotic fluid in there, etc. Stuff like that. Averaged out, he was about 34 weeks and 6 days in size, whereas I was 36 weeks and 2 days along. So about a week and a half smaller than what they were expecting. They guessed that he weighs about 5 lbs 10 oz. right now. Which is great news for me! I'd love to have another small baby!
What I found funny though was that the measurement for his femur marked him at 33 weeks along, but his head circumference put him at 38 weeks along. Great. I'm going to have another gigantic headed baby.
Over all they weren't worried. What they found doesn't change my due date at all and he seems to be growing alright, just genetically small. Too bad, I was hoping for tall boys, but with my genes in the mix, changes are all our kids will be midgets.
I thought I'd post a picture here of my countdown. Two weeks baby!! It's been enormously satisfying to rip off a ring every evening and seeing it dwindle down so much that it almost can't hang on the fan anymore. Soon it won't be able to at all! That makes me so happy!
One other funny story about pregnancy. Any of you out there who have been pregnant before will sympathize with this. About a month ago or so, Sterling and I were out in the front yard doing a little bit of yard clean up since the weather was nice. I have the Achoo Syndrome, like most of my family does. We think it's a Scandinavian trait. Anyways, I turned and looked up into the sun and sneezed several times. After the third one I turned to Sterling "Crap, I just peed my pants." He started laughing really hard and asked how much. I told him it was enough that I needed to go change. And I took off for the house waddling with my legs spread apart. That just got him laughing harder. Aw, the joys of being pregnant.
Sadly, this was not an isolated event. It gets very difficult as you get farther on to control your bladder. It also doesn't help that you've got a little person inside you kicking at your bladder when they want to stretch. I told this story to one of my friends and she not swears she never wants to get pregnant. Honey, I'm sure there are people out there who could tell you worse stories than mine.
So, to wrap up, since I didn't really say anything about Cami in this post, let's end with some pictures of her.
I would like to clarify something. We have not been studiously tearing off a paper ring every evening. That would imply that we are organized and diligent. Instead, we take the efficient route and rip off a big section after we have forgotten to do it for the last week. Erika I love you, you have been great- don't worry about the hormones.
Regarding the ACHOO syndrome: this is funny, but for the past 24 years, I thought everyone did that. Until I was talking with my not-so-caucasian husband, and he's like, really? you sneeze when you look at the sun/bright light? weird. And here I thought I was normal! I almost didn't believe him, but I just clicked on your link, and my questions are resolved. Good luck with baby! Hope delivery goes smoothly!
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