Friday, February 6, 2009

Recapping the Holidays

I know what some of you are thinking.. Finally! I thought they dropped off the face of the earth. Yes, we almost did. But we're back! Now to play catch-up. I think this is probably the least favorite part of anyone's blogging experience, trying to recap everything that's happened in the last five months that they've been absent. So, I'll just list one or two things that I thought were the most relevant.

The fun little highlights of the holidays:

Thanksgiving: Cami fell asleep in her bouncy-swing. It was actually pretty funny to all of a sudden walk around the corner and see her completely conked out.

Christmas: My family was in town!!! It was great to see them all. Plus, we went skiing and I didn't fall down!! Quite an accomplishment for me actually.

New Years: Sterling and I didn't even get to watch the ball drop because we were watching a movie. Oops. We've always been rather boring for New Years though.

Valentine's Day: We celebrated on Friday instead of Saturday because Sterling had to work. Cami stayed with grandma. We also went to Divine Comedy. Their main feature was a Twilight spoof. It was hilarious!

I know, we're rather boring that that's the 'highlights' of our holidays. I was excited to have my family in town though.

So, now we're sorta caught up on what's going on. Sorta.

1 comment:

Jo said...

Holy COW!!!!!! Welcome back. :)