Sunday, October 19, 2008

New cousin

My sister-in-law on the Fenwick side, Alisha, had her baby Friday night, three weeks early. She was having labor pains all day at work, so they went in to the hospital. Her baby has been breach for months, so she got a C-section, but everything is fine. Rabeca Ray was born at 11:38 pm, was 19.5 inches, and weighed 8 lbs, 8 oz. (I know, 3 weeks early and 8 1/2 lbs!) I don't have any pictures of Preston and his two girls because when we got there he and Sterling took off to go get drinks. Rabeca has the chubbiest little cheeks in the world! A trait that the grandparents say she gets from her dad. I'm also a little jealous that she has so much hair, whereas all the babies on the Carlson side are all bald! But Kate gives me hope that someday our little girl will have hair as well, it might just take a year or two. Congratulations Preston and Alisha, we're so happy for you!

1 comment:

The Pickled Red Herring said...

WHOA 8 1/2 lbs??? Wowzers! Congrats on the new cousin! YAY I'm so glad our girls all have GIRL cousins so close in age! I'm afraid we have Daddy to thank for the dominant Baldness gene.