Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A 'toothful' update

Pictures are still forth coming. I planned on doing a comparison between the temporaries and the porcelain veneers. It's quite drastic. However, there's a little problem. I went in today to get the porcelain veneers put on, but one of them didn't fit right. Why does there always having to be one?! I was a little disappointed. So, that one is still a temporary, but the rest are the real deal. I love them! We were initially hoping that I would be able to get in next week to get the last real one in place, but the ceramicist isn't going to have it done by then, and then that week Dr. Hillam (my dentist) is going on tour with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. He plays trumpet (?) in the orchestra. So, I won't get the last porcelain veneer on until July 1st and frankly, I don't want to wait that long to show off my new teeth, so here's a picture of the temps. I might post a picture of my almost-all porcelains soon.
Ok, so maybe you won't be able to see a real big different between the temps and permanent ones, at least not on film. But there really is a huge difference if you get up close and personal.

So, the story behind it: When I went in to get my temps done initially, I was in the dentist chair for a straight
8 1/2 hours!! I got one bathroom break and, obviously couldn't eat anything the whole time. They drilled away the top ten teeth, taking off about a millimeter all around them. Thankfully they numbed me up real good for it. My mouth was seriously stretched out and afterwards, with the temps on, it felt like my whole upper jaw was in a vise. It hurt for probably three days straight. Hello pain killers! The upside was that I got happy gas for those 8+ hours. It's wonderful stuff.

I went back in today - just when I'd started getting used to the feel of the temps and managed to get rid of the little lisp I had acquired due to larger, longer teeth than I had before. The lisp was charming, really. Saying 's's, 'v's, and 'f's all made me sound a little serpent-like. I'm glad to be rid of it. The porcelain veneers are not nearly as bulky as the temps were, with the exception of my left canine which is still huge. Again I got numbed up, thankfully, who knew it would hurt to just put a cap on, they didn't even do drilling today like they did last time. They forgot the happy gas though, thankfully I was only there for 5 1/2 hours this time around. Still a long time, yes, but not unbearable.

So, the next time you go to the dentist for a check-up or even just getting a little cavity filled, think of me as you're sitting in that dental chair and STOP COMPLAINING! ;) Just be thankful that you won't be there for 5 hours.


The Pickled Red Herring said...

Wow, they really DO look great! Nice work, Dr. Whoever-you-are. I can't wait to see you!

Krissy said...

This might sound gross, but I hate the smell when they are drilling teeth. It has a very distinctive smell, don't you think? When I had my braces on, they sort of filed down my teeth so they'd fit together nicer... it was way gross. I can't imagine putting up with that for 8 hours. I probably would've pulled my hair out.

Erika said...

That's the beauty of happy gas though. It totally makes you oblivious of what's going on. And the smell of the happy gas blocks out the smell of the drilling. Neither are particularly pleasant, but the happy gas is the lesser of two evils.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Krista, that's nice teeth work. I'm certain that your teeth look different and way better than that now, and I'm happy for you, Erika!

My veneers experience with my Raleigh cosmetic dentist wasn't that bad, though. It didn't take too long because of the sedation. Dentistry (Raleigh) is quite known here for making their patients comfortable during dental procedures. Well, at least it didn't feel it took long. I was sedated, so I wouldn't know.

Unknown said...

Oh my that doesn't sound too fun. But I hope those veneers are worth it, I'm sure they will be. Thanks for the post. Great pictures, can't wait for the newer ones.